Organon F

Volume 29, August 2022, Issue 3, Pages 327–347

ISSN 2585-7150 (online) ISSN 1335-0668 (print)

Research Article

Pragmatization of Narrative in Wittgenstein’s Later Philosophy: A Modern Perspective

Andrii Synytsia


The main views on the nature of narrative in Wittgenstein’s later philosophy are analyzed. It is shown how, realizing the research narrative, he paid attention to the linguistic means of expression of our thoughts, reference to the actual reality, the logical component of argumentation. It is shown that in order to place worldview ac-cents more clearly and strengthen the expressive effect of thought, Wittgenstein pragmatized the narrative, in particular, used metaphors, images of learning, took into account the historico-cultural context. It is important for him to show that the form of the narrative influences what meanings the interlocutor will comprehend. Through a system of micro- and macro-narratives, Wittgenstein intended to express his opinion as clearly as possible, although he made the reader an active participant in the narrative. The thinker did not deviate from the analytico-scientific standards of philosophizing, although he showed that the relevant analysis of the narrative is significantly complicated by the ambiguities of its interpretation, the uniqueness of human experience and the identity of each narrator’s value system. It is argued that a pragmatic approach to narrative analysis significantly expands the research methodology of the analytic thinker and, accordingly, makes it possible to deepen our understanding of reality and human existence, as well as more clearly define the specifics of their knowledge.


Narrative; pragmatic analysis; form of life; language; Wittgenstein.

Author(s) and affiliation(s)


Andrii Synytsia


Ivan Franko National University of Lviv


Department of History of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Universytetska str. 1, 79000 Lviv, Ukraine


About this article


20 December 2020


21 December 2021


22 July 2022

Published online

24 September 2022


Institute of Philosophy of the Slovak Academy of Sciences

Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Cite as


Synytsia, A. (2022). Pragmatization of Narrative in Wittgenstein’s Later Philosophy: A Modern Perspective. Organon F29(3), 327–347.


Synytsia, Andrii. 2022. "Pragmatization of Narrative in Wittgenstein’s Later Philosophy: A Modern Perspective." Organon F 29 (3): 327–347.


Synytsia, A. (2022). Pragmatization of Narrative in Wittgenstein’s Later Philosophy: A Modern Perspective. Organon F, 29(3), pp. 327–347.

Copyright information

© Andrii Synytsia

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